
I Am Sulekha


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Sulekha Makeover, Scene 2014

স্কুল স্টুডেন্ট থেকেই আমার নিজে সাজতে এবং অন্যকে সাজাতে খুব ভালো লাগতো, পরবর্তীকালে মাথায় আসে, যদি নিজের ভালোলাগা তাকে নিজের পেশা বানানো যাই তবে কেমন হয়, আর সেই থেকেই আমার বিউটিশিয়ান হিসাবে জীবন শুরু হয়। নিজের ভালো লাগাটাকে এতটাই ভালো লাগতো যে আস্তে আস্তে প্রতিটা মানুষের কাছে নিজের একটা অন্য পরিচয় গড়ে ওঠে , আসে পাশে প্রতিটা মানুষের মুখে আমার কাজের নাম রটে যাই। ধীরে ধীরে মানুষের ভালোবাসা আর আমার অক্লান্ত পরিশ্রমে আমি দুটো Makeup পাল্লার চালায়, আশা করছি আপনাদের রো ভালোভাবে পরিষেবা দিয়ে এবং আমার কঠোর পরিশ্রমে আমি আরো বড়ো হয়ে উঠবো।

Sulekha Maity
ESTD - 2014
Daspuer,Paschim-Mednipur,Pin- 721153
+91 80015 22689
Professional beautician
View Work Hire Me
Bridal makeup
Haldi Makeup
Party Makeup
Reception Look

My Details

  • Make-up Service
  • Make-up Course
Bridal Makeup
Bridal Makeup by Profession

Hay !! I am a Bridal Makeup Specialists and i have experience since 2015

Party Makeup
all types of Party Makeup.

Come at my salon, i can provide you all type of party makeup as per your requirement.

Advance Hair Style

Hair is a part of beauty for each and every girl, make it stylish.

2 Month Basic
Course Deatils

Product Knowledge, Makeup Brush Knowledge, Bridal Makeup, Reception Makeup, Haldi Makeup, Party Makeup, Waterproof Makeup and Different Eye Makeup

6 Month
Advance Beautician Course

Eyebrow, Hair Cutting, Facial, Manicure, Pedicure, Hair Color, Hair Spa, Henna, Bridal Makeup

Bridal Makeup
Party Makeup
Haldi Makeup
Successful students

My Services

Bridal Makeup

They have to cover up all the ceremonies, be an active part of the ceremonies, are a good host to the invited guests at the wedding, and also look her best. Bridal hair and makeup play a quintessential role in every bride's look. The makeup and hair have to be innovative yet suitable for the bride.


In humans, eyebrows serve two main functions: first, communication through facial expression, and second, prevention of sweat, water, and other.


For aging skin, a facial can stimulate circulation, flush excess water and toxins, moisturize, and stimulate collagen production, especially if used in combination with microdermabrasion and LED light therapy.

Hair Spa

An extensive hair spa process removes all dirt, pollutants and contaminants from the pores. Once your scalp is rid of such impurities, your hair growth gets a stimulus. Hair spa is a procedure that helps make hair strong, bouncy and shiny, while simultaneously dealing with dandruff, damaged hair, and hair fall control


A pedicure helps clean and moisturise your feet, and also provides nail care. Getting a monthly pedicure done is advisable, as it's an effective way to detect early signs of corns and fungal infections, among other things.


Manicures and pedicures improve blood flow, which is important in reducing cellulite, tightening your skin, and strengthening your muscles — all of which can improve the visible appearance of your hands and feet.

My Work

Let's work together !

I am available for freelance projects.
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Get In Touch

Phone :
+91 8001522689
Address :
Paschim Mednipur
West Bengal
Email :

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